Coincidence turned a person into a millionaire within a few hours

Coincidence turned a person into a millionaire within a few hours

It is a coincidence that turned a person into a millionaire within several hours. Because of one tweet! I got it wrong

Elon Musk tweeted a few days ago on his Twitter page, saying: Use signal

Signal, is a messaging application similar to WhatsApp and Telegram, but it and Telegram are more secure and private...

The tweet came after the recent privacy updates "violating privacy" that appeared for users and affiliation, and in which the application will collect all information about you and share it with other Facebook company applications... and approval Or delete your app!

After the tweet a lot of people; Exactly 45 million people decided to delete WhatsApp and use the Signal app... There are people who entered the stock market and decided to buy shares in Signal! to achieve an expected profit

People searched for the Signal application in the stock market, and a company called “Signal Advance” appeared in the search, so they bought shares in this company..

It is worth noting that the company that owns the "signal" application is not a for-profit organization and does not have a subscription to the stock exchange or a presence in it. Because their only investment is privacy and security…

So what about "Signal Advance"?!

It is a small company that operates on the stock exchange and provides services to medical and legal professionals; This company had no one working full-time except the owner of the company!

It is worth noting that before Lionel Musk's tweet; Company B's share value on the stock exchange was $0.37

After Musk's tweet! The value of the share increased by 1100%, and the value of one share became $7.19... Therefore, the value of Signal Advance increased to $660 million!!

This reminded me of a book because one letter was misprinted; It sold a million 

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بوابة التعليم الفني موقع الدبلومات الفنية ومتابعة اخبار ونتيجة الدبلومات الفنية 2024 وتنسيق القبول بالمعاهد والكليات المصرية ومعادلة كلية التجارة ومعادلة كلية الهندسة